Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Taking in strays

Three months ago this cat showed up at my work. This, unfortunately, isn't a rare occurance. Usually we just feed them and they go on their way. This cat, however, came into the back break room and wouldn't leave. I took her home under the pretenses that it would only be temporary. Three months later, she's still hiding out in my bedroom. She and the dog still hate each other and my daughter thinks she's a walking stuffed animal. Meanwhile, my mother had a puppy dumped in her backyard over night. Would I love to take the poor thing in? Yes. Can I? Theoretically, yes. Will I? No. I can't have a puppy in my house at the moment. It would be too much chaos. Too much money.


I feel bad about it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Who should read this?

If this blog is going to be a place for me to vent about things like work, my marriage, family, money and what not, who do I want to read it? Co-workers and immediate family are out of the question. But how many people do I know outside of my family and co-workers?

I'm not sure antisocial people turn out to be good at running successful blogs. I guess only time will tell.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sippy cups

I'm on my way to wal*mart to buy more sippy cups. Madelyn is a week away from being 1 year old and I want to wean her off of bottles.

I think this is the part where I'm supposed to wipe a tear from my eye and say, "My baby's growing up!"

Mostly I'm just happy I won't have to wash bottles anymore. *w00t!*

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Nothing motivates like greed

I haven't kept my blog up to date. In fact, I don't think I've really used this thing at all but am suddenly glad I was able to remember my Username and password.

I want to win a contest from Ilona/Gordon Andrews. They've become one of my top picks for reading Urban Fantasy. I'm at work now, so let me just post the promo image for the new book, On the Edge, which just from reading a few snippets, sounds fantastic and I can't wait to get my hands on it!